Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Week 17 and Other Miscellaneous Items
So I only exercised one day this past week. I ran 3 miles on Thursday. We had a super busy week between family in town and graduation. I went to my prenatal appointment this morning and we will find out the sex of the baby next week. I gained 4 pounds since my last prenatal appointment exactly 4 weeks ago. Not too bad, I think. I keep waiting for the month when I gain 10 pounds or more. Maybe with the changes I have made in my diet since my last pregnancy, things won't be so drastic.
Chloe and Elijah posing in front of the donkeys at the Littleton Historical Museum. Chloe remembered that Jesus rode on a donkey to Israel.... er... Jerusalem.

Chloe, Tirzah, Elijah and Avery

Ryan and I

Ben and Elijah sitting on Chloe.


Janna Widdifield said...

Isn't the Littleton Museum fun? I'm so glad you went.

Trisha Dawn said...

Can't wait to find out what you are having!

The picture with the cousins is so cute!