Sunday, July 06, 2008

Time With Family

"Puppy" - According to Elijah

Aunt Jenny brought Elijah home a t-shirt with a camel's front on the
front of the shirt and a camel's backside on the back. He insists that
it is a puppy... go figure!

Chloe and Elijah ready to go to Grandpa & Grandma's

They did well on both legs of the trip. The best part about going is seeing my Mom's face when we arrive. This year we stopped by her work. Her entire countenance lit up when she saw her grandkids. The worst part is saying goodbye. I try to make it as easy as possible for my Mom knowing that it is probably hardest on her. Our prayer is that we will be able to see each other more every year. Elijah called "goodbye" loudly to Grandma probably 20 times in the airport this year from the far side of security to where she could watch us walk away. It was pretty special.

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