Sunday, May 04, 2008

More Prayer Needed
Ben is back in the hospital. He went back on Thursday morning due to some nausea and vomiting. The pain got so intense, he was doubled over. The CT-Scan at Saint Anthony's hospital showed 2 more abscesses. The larger of the 2 was drained and the other was too small to drain. It was an intense day because Ben was in incredible pain, worse than ever before. I hope to never experience another day like this one again. I am so grateful that Larry and Jenny were able to be with me that day because I couldn't handle seeing Ben is so much pain. I kept telling Larry and Jenny that I am terrible ER wife.... and I am pretty sure Ben would testify to that. Larry is a tender and loving father who kept a keen eye on Ben, although I'm sure it was the hardest thing Larry has ever done... seeing his boy hurting. Jenny was my rock. She never left Ben's side during this difficult day. She was with me during the morning and then stayed with Ben all night until Friday morning. What a sis! Friday was better although it still had its up and downs. This type of sickness is so hard. It almost feels like a person is about to die when their vitals are good and labs are good. You have to really force yourself to believe what the doctors are saying even though when you look at Benjamin, it is difficult to see what they see. Saturday wasn't much better but today there was real progress. Ben's small abscess did not show up on the CT-Scan and the larger abscess is much, much smaller. He actually watched tv for the first time since Thursday morning. He called me tonight from the hospital room and said, "I'm gettin' better Boo!" I think they are going to keep Ben for quite some time this round. I think they want to make sure he won't have another relapse. Our doc, Dr. Seale is incredible. He is a very gifted surgeon and we are so grateful that he performed the surgery. God really worked this out so that we would have all that we needed to make it through this tragedy.
One Other Request
Elijah is sick with a cough, sore throat and fever while Ben is in the hospital. Pray for quick recovery for Buddy!

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