Sunday, May 03, 2009

Week 15
Okay, here goes with the exercise this week. I felt fine again and don't see any reason
to slow down at this point. Trisha pointed out that this does not include the time I spend chasing after two young children, cooking, cleaning, ironing, doing laundry, etc. She is right, those things should factor in but I will only include time I spend in the gym or outdoors.
Weight gain: Since my last doctor's visit (2 weeks ago) 1 pound
Note: this will greatly increase in weeks to come and I may decide not to post due to embarrassment.
Mon: ran 3 miles
Wed: ran 3 miles
Fri: ran 3 miles
I did not get to exercise as much as I would have liked because Ben is in the middle of his last few weeks of school and I was too busy running after my rugrats. Again, this should count for the other days.


Derek and Rachel said...

Oh, come on. There should be no embarrassment about weight gain during pregnancy. Just post it! :)

Anonymous said...

Don't be embarrassed! I gained 65lbs during my pregnancy with Josiah. I checked into the hospital 5' 3'' and 185lbs ... YEAH YEAH!!! I bounced back.