Friday, May 29, 2009

Week 19
It’s a boy!!!

Our family is now referring to the newest Strait boy as Elisha. He was the prophet that came after Elijah in the Old Testament.
A side note: Ben informed me over dinner last night that it is the woman’s responsibility to bear the children. It is the man’s responsibility both Biblically and traditionally to name the children. I will be waiting with the rest of family and friends to hear my newest son’s name.
Exercise schedule:
Sunday walked 2 miles up & down a mountain
Monday 2 and a half hour hike up & down a mountain
Thursday ran 3 miles
Various small hikes throughout the week in Estes Park
Weight gain ?
Week 18
This was another blur of a week with family in town and a trip to Estes Park later in the week. Exercise was slim again and the next week isn't much better. I am definitely slowing down with my mile times. I am running 10 minute miles at the moment. Not too impressive but at least I am still moving. Just like Elijah, I'm sure this baby will want to be jogged to sleep.
Weds ran 3 miles
Friday ran 3 miles
Weight gain ?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Week 17 and Other Miscellaneous Items
So I only exercised one day this past week. I ran 3 miles on Thursday. We had a super busy week between family in town and graduation. I went to my prenatal appointment this morning and we will find out the sex of the baby next week. I gained 4 pounds since my last prenatal appointment exactly 4 weeks ago. Not too bad, I think. I keep waiting for the month when I gain 10 pounds or more. Maybe with the changes I have made in my diet since my last pregnancy, things won't be so drastic.
Chloe and Elijah posing in front of the donkeys at the Littleton Historical Museum. Chloe remembered that Jesus rode on a donkey to Israel.... er... Jerusalem.

Chloe, Tirzah, Elijah and Avery

Ryan and I

Ben and Elijah sitting on Chloe.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 16
Another week flew by. My mom came into town on Friday for my great grandma Ruby's funeral. My great grandma lived a very full life and passed away at the age of 94. She was glad to go on and be with our Lord. Having my mom here has been so good. I have become quite lazy due to her lovin'care.
Sun walked 4 miles
Mon ran 3 miles
Tues ran 3 miles
Weds ran 3 miles
Fri ran 3 miles
Weight Gain: 1/2 a pound
This next week should be interesting with lots of family coming into town for Ben's graduation party.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Week 15
Okay, here goes with the exercise this week. I felt fine again and don't see any reason
to slow down at this point. Trisha pointed out that this does not include the time I spend chasing after two young children, cooking, cleaning, ironing, doing laundry, etc. She is right, those things should factor in but I will only include time I spend in the gym or outdoors.
Weight gain: Since my last doctor's visit (2 weeks ago) 1 pound
Note: this will greatly increase in weeks to come and I may decide not to post due to embarrassment.
Mon: ran 3 miles
Wed: ran 3 miles
Fri: ran 3 miles
I did not get to exercise as much as I would have liked because Ben is in the middle of his last few weeks of school and I was too busy running after my rugrats. Again, this should count for the other days.
Easter 2009
Celebrating with family. Incredible how large the family is growing!

Aunt Jenny, Elijah and Chloe
There is nobody better on earth than Aunt Jenny. When she is around, Elijah ignores everyone else.

The babes Easter Sunday.

Elijah's green egg

Chloe was very careful about getting the entire egg colored while Buddy focused on getting the most eggs colored. That pretty much sums up the difference between Ben and I. Ben is quality while I am quantity and it is so fun to see it expressed in our children.