Strait Baby Number 3
Being that this is our third baby, I am going to keep a log on how my exercise progresses through this pregnancy and post it on the blog. I ran until 31 weeks with Elijah, which seems like a real feat!
Week 14 exercise went really well. I felt strong and could have ran longer had time not been an issue. Ben juiced quite a bit which may have contributed to more energy as well as being firmly in my second trimester.
Week 14
Sat ran 4 miles
Mon ran 3 miles
Tues ran 3 miles lifted for 20 mins
Thurs ran 3 miles
Fri ran 3 miles
Weight Gain unknown

The belly at 14 weeks.
Congratulations, Laura! When are you due???
I love it! But, I might add, already having 2 young children this time around should factor in as exercise in some way!
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