Monday, May 12, 2008

Update on the Family
Here is another update on how things are progressing. Ben is getting better daily but the nights are still pretty hard. Please pray that Ben is able to rest at night and that his back and shoulder will stop flaring up when he tries to sleep. Ben is losing weight still, and the doctor said that would be the case. Pray that Ben will now start gaining weight as he gains his strength. We are grateful for all the healing that has taken place. Ben sees the doctor tomorrow and then will have another CT-Scan on Friday. We are believing for a good report on Friday.
Elijah is doing much better and sleeping through the night again. The kids are starting to normalize which is huge. It is hard dealing with clingy kids and then trying to take care of Benjamin and the home.

1 comment:

Trisha Dawn said...


Things have been crazy lately but I have been trying to follow what is going on with Ben. I am praying for him and you (umm, I can relate to the clingy kids). Please let me know if I can do ANYThING at all. We are in our new place and a little bit more setttled.