Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Times... They are a Changin'Elijah sports a new haircut. It's a bit sad to see his curls go,
but now we can see his gorgeous eyes.
Speaking of gorgeous eyes, this shot shows a nice pair of peepers on my sweet little girl. Chloe's red hair inspired us to dress her
as an old favorite...Pippi Longstocking.
Elijah was dressed as Einstein for our little party (this is one of
the last photos of him with his cute, curly hair).

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Fall Fun
Chloe digs for seeds in the ooey, gooey pumpkin
in preparation for carving.

Our visit to the zoo was a big hit with both Elijah and Chloe.

Elijah finds himself a midday snack.

This photo cracks me up. I could hardly hold the camera still. Chloe doesn't yet know how to read, but you know what they say about kids emulating or imitating their parents...